Vince Coakley Podcast

Canadian PM Trudeau Parties at Swift Concert As Rioters Vandalize Montreal



Tune in here for this Monday edition of the Vince Coakley Radio Program! Vince starts the show talking about how good we have it in the US compared to other countries to which Vince has traveled, Elizabeth Warren requests White House look into ethics and non-signing of typical transition documents, Europe completely losing it's way, dying because it's lost its identity, and comments from journalist Ezra Levant arrested in Canada for being Jewish. In the second half of the show Vince talks about Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau dancing and partying at a Taylor Swift concert on Toronto while rioters cause destruction in Montreal, Vince's weekend trip to Grenada, Carolina Panthers put the Kansas City Chiefs to the test on Sunday but still lose, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken mocked over therapy sessions after election, Donald Trump Jr recommends that Elon Musk buy MSNBC, Rachel Maddow's on-air breakdown, Vince describes a meme, and the possibility of Thanksgiving travel being affected by strikes and