Radical Research Podcast

Episode 109 – Sigh’s Weirdest! Let the Strangeness Do the Talking



Sigh is unquestionably one of the weirdest bands in the metal realm. And since Radical Research skews weird, and since we are both fans of Sigh since the mid ‘90s, it seemed obvious that we would eventually do an episode featuring some of the very weirdest of Sigh’s weird moments. So…if you are down with our motto of Keep Metal Weird, you know what to do. Note I: The Radical Research Patreon page is now set up and ready for your patronage. We offer tiered subscription levels for those who want a set-it-and-forget-it donation option. As ever, if you choose to support us, we are humbled and grateful! patreon.com/RadicalResearchPodcast Note II:Please consider donating if you listen to Radical Research often: https://www.paypal.me/rrpodcast We also have a webstore where you can find shirts, CDs, and books, many of them recently restocked:http://radicalresearch.org/shop/Music cited in order of appearance:"Hail Horror Hail" (Hail Horror Hail, 1997)"A Sunset Song" (Imaginary Sonicscape, 2001)"Scarlet Dream" (Imagina