Radical Research Podcast

Episode 62 – Under Separate Cover



Episode 62 of Radical Research challenges the notions of identity, probes at both the masks and the faces themselves. What biology occurs when the firstborn cleaves to the breast of another? This conversation claws at the God-playing reconstructions of Type O Negative, Ulver, Manfred Mann's Earth Band, and Gorgoroth, among others. To do or to undo? That is the question.Note I: Correction: Jeff quotes a line from A Perfect Circle/Failure’s “The Nurse Who Loved Me” as “say hello to the floor’s topography.” Obviously it’s “the rug’s topography.” We couldn’t be more embarrassed, because that is one of the greatest lyrics in rock history and it deserves better than us. Oops. Note II: Big Dumb Skulls is mentioned in this episode, by way of talking about our pal Matt Johnsen. If you’re uninitiated and curious about the ridiculous project Jeff dreamed up with Matt, check it out here: www.bigdumbskulls.com Note III: This is the fourth Radical Research episode to feature something about Norway’s mighty Ulver. For