Write Now With Sarah Werner | For Writers, On Writing

Should I Self-Publish?



Have you ever wondered if you should self-publish your book, or go through a traditional publisher? This week, we're weighing the pros and cons of each to figure out which method is best for you. Links mentioned:  Talking Scared Podcast, Episode #003: Spotify | Apple Podcasts Sarah's indie (self-published) audio drama, Girl In Space The Write Now Podcast Discord Community Thank you for listening! For show notes and a full transcript of this episode, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/should-i-self-publish-wn-162/  To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon at  https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner, or send me a tip on Ko-Fi at https://ko-fi.com/sarahwerner. Happy writing! — Sarah