Write Now With Sarah Werner | For Writers, On Writing

Say Yes to Writing - WN 009



Help support this podcast! >> As Joaquin Phoenix once said, "I'M STILL HERE." Mockumentary and hip-hop career to follow shortly. (Seriously, though, I've realized I turn out new episodes about every 10 days instead of strictly weekly. I hope that is okay with you.) Either way, welcome to Episode 009 of the "Write Now" podcast. Small note: If my voice sounds weird in this episode, it is because I have both a new microphone and a head cold. Life is fun like that. In order to say "yes" to writing, you have to say "no" to other stuff. When we were little, our teachers told us, "You can be anything!" But my ambitious little brain interpreted that to mean, "You can be everything!" Which is simply not true. Because despite our best efforts, there are only 24 hours in a day. And we can only fill those 24 hours with 24 hours worth of activity, from sleeping to going to work, cooking, driving the kids to clarinet lessons, reading, grocery shopping, tuning up your bicycle, rewatching all 144 episodes of Buffy the Vampi