Franchise Interviews

Franchise Attorney Holly Shilliday from Snell & Wilmer meets with Franchise Interviews



We have another fabulous Snell & Wilmer Attorney, Holly Shilliday,who has loads of helpful information to share with our audience on a really timely topic: Given today’s economic conditions, many businesses are heading into financial troubles, such as bankruptcy, and franchise systems are no exception. Holly will speak to our audience on how systems should: Prevent Bankruptcy: how to identify warning signs, how can franchisor get troubled franchisee back on track Protect Rights: what are the appropriate steps to protect the franchise system if bankruptcy is inevitable; what are the rights and responsibilities of the franchisor, franchisee and lender Handle Bankruptcy: what happens to a franchise agreement in this situation, how is relationship with the lender affected Holly Shilliday has represented and advised lenders and numerous franchisors in bankruptcy cases filed by franchisees and/or their guarantors.