Via Jazz

Orlando le Fleming homenatja el jazz fusió de Wayne Shorter



Música que sona al programa: "Don't dwell on it", "Spots of time", "Plaza real" (de l'àlbum "Wandering talk", 2024) Orlando le Fleming, baix i contrabaix; Philip Dizack, trompeta; Nathaniel Facey, saxo alt; Tom Cawley, piano; James Maddren, bateria. "I'll tell you what it is later", "The Myth of progress" i "Struggle Session" (de l'àlbum "The unfamiliar", 2020) Philip Dizack, trompeta; Will Vinson, saxo alt; Sean Wayland, teclats i sintetitzador; Orlando le Fleming, baix i contrabaix; Kush Abadey i Nate Wood, bateria. "We'll be together again" (de l'àlbum "Life of the party", 2022) Owl Trio: Orlando le Fleming, contrabaix; Will Vinson, saxo; Lage Lund, guitarra. "From this moment on", "Morning glory" i "All across the city" (de l'àlbum "Owl Trio", 2013) Owl Trio. "Life of the party"(de l'àlbum "Life of the party", 2022) Owl Trio: Kurt Elling, veu.