Snap Judgment




A man inspired by joy writes a song, then he discovers it’s become a weapon. And a boy beat down by life learns to fight back, with the help of an upper-cut and milkshakes. STORIES Life On Easy Street   A musician writes a song so catchy, it takes over the world...then he finds out it's become a weapon. "Easy Street" turned into something it was never meant to be. A big thanks to Joe Sivick & Producer Deena Prichep Producer: John Fecile Original Score: Renzo Gorrio  The Little Boxer After getting beat one time too many, little Gus Lee decides to fight back.  A big thanks to Gus Lee. This story comes from his novel, “China Boy,” based on his childhood.  Producer: Liz Mak Original Score: Renzo Gorrio  Season 10 Episode 21