The Chick Whisperer Podcast

25x Your Success With Women - MTP333



Co-Host John Mitchell ( 'At 50 I wanted to be married. I saw that was more important than making big money.' That's a quote from my guest co-host, John Mitchell. What's particularly significant about it is we're talking about a guy here who increased his income by twenty-five fold. So when he tells you finding the right woman was important to him, that's how serious he was. And his estimation he increased his success with women every bit as much as he increased his personal wealth. And no...he doesn't credit the latter with the former. Anyway, considering how David DeAngelo once built an empire out of merely doubling your dating, this is a man you should definitely listen to. Interestingly enough, John says it's all actually scientific. To be more specific, the most profound thing John has ever learned is what's directly responsible for it, and he spills the whole secret for you. What is the biggest problem about modern-day self-help that makes it counter-produ