The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Rich Dad, Laid Dad - MTP236



As goes the bedroom, so goes the least that's what my guest on this episode believes. Delora Guignon is the founder of Mindsex Mastery, and she says the very same sexual energy that propels the women in your life to multiple orgasms is what causes certain men to be wildly successful financially and reach the pinnacle of their career. In this fast-paced and often riotously entertaining episode, you'll discover how both 'get rich quick' and 'get laid quick' usually don't work, and why the pickup artist movement had such a hard time figuring that out. Meanwhile, what exactly does this all-conquering sexual energy look like? What are the practical features of it? Do all those angry political people on Twitter just need to get laid? Why is it Delora can tell who's having great sex and who isn't just by asking them three questions? Contrary to popular belief, why are so many rich guys so lonely? How does the compliance vs. willingness factor enter into all of this? And what are the practical steps to m