The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Break-Up Warning Signs - MTP141



The truth is that most of us will break up with the vast majority of people we ever date, right? That doesn't make it any less painful or frustrating, though. Today I'm joined by breakup and divorce expert Brad Browning, who is the founder of Love Learnings Media. Guys tend to enter relationships with a faulty mindset from the beginning, setting themselves up for failure. In this action-packed show we cover the early indications she's thinking about leaving you, how to stop an imminent breakup before it happens, and how to start a relationship off on solid ground to begin with. When a breakup happens, is there usually a slow decline or does she simply leave suddenly? If you're seeing a pattern of not getting second dates or getting broken up with, is it a problem with women in general or do you need to look in the mirror? We also talk about what to do if you think another guy is in the picture, and how failure to be the kind of man she craves contributes to the decline and end of an otherwise perfectly good r