Five Point Move - U.s. Greco-roman Wrestling

5PM01: Discussing 98kg heading into April's U.S. World Team Trials in Las Vegas



SHARE TWEET SHARE EMAIL COMMENTSAfter a good deal of planning and some confusing yet necessary on-the-job training, the very first episode of the “Five Point Move Podcast” is finally here. Myself (Tim) along with co-host 1995 World Champion and 1996 Olympic silver medalist Dennis Hall decided this was the right time to get going in this direction, what with everything going on currently.The maiden episode includes some thoughts on the 98 kilogram weight class in the United States ahead of the World Team Trials and banter regarding how Hall helps age-group competitors get comfortable with Greco. Also brought up is the college system and why it is often difficult to motivate collegians to participate in the classical style. Here, Hall reflects back on what his approach was when he qualified for the World Championships while a student at Wisconsin. Of course, other topics are tossed in occasionally for good measure.The sound quality is decent, but not perfect — that will be improved going forward. There are vari