Eat Blog Talk | Megan Porta

622: 5 Steps to Committing to Community (Mindset & Self-Care)



In this episode, we're going to talk about why prioritizing community and building relationships are a critical part of your business. As a food blogger and entrepreneur, I can't stress enough how important it is to prioritize community in 2025. I know it can feel scary or uncertain to invest in things like conferences, retreats, and masterminds, but trust me, it's going to pay off big time. The key is to approach it with intention and a willingness to be vulnerable. Get out there, connect with your peers, and don't be afraid to go deep in the right communities. And if your budget is tight, no worries - you can always create your own community hub. The most important thing is to show up consistently, wherever you decide to plant your flag. Do that, and you'll see the rewards in your business and personal life. Here, I’ll share five specific action steps that can help guide you on this community-building journey. Action Plan: 1 - Understand the power of connection: Community and meaningful connections can have