Bulletproof Radio

How to Heal Your Gut: Exploring the Latest Bacterial Science and New Treatments – Vincent Pedre, M.D. : 1037



IN THIS EPISODE OF THE HUMAN UPGRADE™… Vincent Pedre, M.D., explains how consuming too much sugar can lead to insulin resistance and diabetes by causing shifts in the microbiome that reduce insulin signaling. He also highlights how omega-6 fats found in processed foods contribute to inflammation and chronic disease by carrying lipopolysaccharide toxins through cell membranes. For over a decade, board-certified internist and Functional Medicine certified practitioner, Dr. Pedre, founder of Happy Gut Life, has helped people improve their well-being and quality of life by building the foundation of gut health that supports total physical and mental wellness. He believes that healing begins in the kitchen through the foods we eat. He brings together years of research and clinical experience to offer you real solutions in his newest book, “The GutSMART Protocol: Revitalize Your Health, Boost Your Energy, and Lose Weight in Just 14 Days with Your Personalized Gut-Healing Plan.”The balance between good and bad