Bulletproof Radio

Upgrade Spotlight: Probiotics to Power the Gut-Brain Axis – Omni-Biotic : 974



IN THIS EPISODE OF THE HUMAN UPGRADE™...…you’re listening to a new Upgrade Spotlight episode with Omni-Biotic. You're going to find out how probiotics can do more than keep your gut microbiome in order—specific strains can help you manage your stress and regulate your body’s detox system. The beneficial bacteria in your gut support essential processes in the body, such as digestion and absorption, immune function, detoxification, and brain function. But did you know that 80% of the immune system lives in the gut and 95% of serotonin is produced in the gut? That’s a lot for the gut to do! Keri Glassman, MS, RD, CDN, joins the show to talk about one of her favorite topics—the gut-brain axis. Keri’s a registered dietitian, certified nutritionist, healthy cooking expert and author of four books. She also founded Nutritious Life, a lifestyle and media company and Nutritious Life Studio, an online education platform focused on nutrition, coaching, and business. In t