Savoring Our Lives

304 - Guys and Dolls



Welcome to Savoring Our Lives! In this week's episode, we talk about: Date Night Fun This past Friday we saw the Milwaukee Rep's production of Guys and Dolls. Chad always wanted to play Sky Masterson. Ruth offers some insight into the female leads in the show. And we both ponder the fact that - for good or bad - the show is a product of its time (1950). Not familiar with the show? The Wikipedia article is a good read. Before the show, we stopped in at an old favorite restaurant, The Safe House. It's seen some changes over the past two years, but it's still fun to be there. [caption id="attachment_389" align="alignright" width="300"] i3Detroit Makerspace[/caption] Chad Visits Another Makerspace  Chad was in Detroit for a client this week and even though he loves poker, he skipped the card room at the casino he was staying in and instead opted to visit i3Detroit - a community-run makerspace. [caption id="attachment_390" align="alignright" width="300"] The Johnson Creek team -October 2013.[/caption] The End of a