Savoring Our Lives

208 - Ruth's Spirit Animal



Welcome to Savoring Our Lives! In this week's episode, we talk about: Ruth's Ankle Update Ruth is getting out of the boot on her leg this week and is super excited about the prospect of being free. She still has some physical therapy and acupuncture to go through. [caption id="attachment_317" align="alignright" width="300"] The Pessimist Wine[/caption] Food Fest, Wine Recon, Wineza We made a ton of meals for our week on Labor Day. We made four recipes (28 servings) for just $60. Meal planning is us saving time, money, and calories. One of the recipes we really like and have tweaked to make our own is the Make Ahead Freezer Breakfast Burritos. Ruth visited the Italian restaurant Onesto with a co-worker and tried a Luccarelli Primitivo which was quite delicious. Wineza this week was an away game with a small pizza from Klasiana Pizza and a Pessimist wine at our local wine bar Vintage 38. Random RoboCop Reference Chad talked to a friend about RoboCop this week - apparently the movie is almost symmetrical. We ne