Savoring Our Lives

205 - Wasp-pocalypse



Welcome to Savoring Our Lives! In this week's episode, we talk about: Wasp-pocalypse Ruth got in the way of a really angry yellow jacket. Then Abby the Beagle did. Everyone got stung on Saturday! The exterminator will be visiting this week. Ruth's Birthday For Ruth's birthday, we visited Mr. B's Steakhouse in Brookfield, Wisconsin. The steaks there are cooked in a wood-fired oven which makes them taste absolutely amazing. We chose "Saldo" to pair with the dinner - a Zinfandel county blend by The Prisoner. Anklepalooza Ruth had an MRI which was pretty inconclusive, so now she's walking in a walking boot to immobilize her ankle. Lackluster We decided a lot of the driving on Saturday was "lackluster." We were probably not using the word correctly. Makerspace in Illinois Chad visited a Makerspace in Illinois and was impressed with their rules, which included "clean your space and put your tools away." SomaFM We borrowed a friend's badge at DEFCON24 to get Ruth in to see the SomaFM DJs in the Chill Lounge. Ruth g