
Episode 127: Beer Freaks & Beer Geeks with Michael Ferguson (Mufasa)



This week on Fuhmentaboudit, solo host Chris Cuzme welcomes Jeff Lord and Dave Scharfstein to the studio catching up on recent beertastic events as well as Jeff’s experiences at the National Homebrewers Conference. Talking up the good times had by all, Jeff relays cool things he took away and tasted from the conference as well as the hard work that goes into the successful event. In the second half of the show, Chris introduces a pre-recorded interview he and Mary did with Michael Ferguson of Beer Geeks TV, spanning many topics including thoughts on America’s history of brewing. This program was brought to you by Union Beer Distributors. “They also had some ghost pepper meads which you’d think would be terrible – delicious – unbelievably good!” [13:00] “How do you fail at making vinegar?!” [15:00] —Jeff Lord on Fuhmentaboudit! “You ask a German, what does it take to make beer, they say a scientist. You ask a Belgian what does it take to make beer, they say an artist. What we do in the United States, craft b