Milk The Cow Podcast

Changing Lives with Clean Water: The Bimiri Foundation's Mission in Nepal | Cow Daily



Join us for an inspiring conversation with Ian from the Bimiri Foundation, a Nepal-based non-profit organisation dedicated to providing access to clean, running water in rural communities. In this video, Ian shares his insights on the impact of clean water on public health, education, and economic opportunities, and how the Bimiri Foundation is making a difference through sustainable development and community empowerment. Through their humanitarian aid efforts, the Bimiri Foundation is tackling issues such as water scarcity, sanitation, and waterborne diseases, and promoting environmental conservation and human rights. Learn more about their innovative approach to charity work and how you can support their mission through volunteering, donations, or corporate social responsibility. Together, we can help build a more equitable and sustainable future for all. If anyone would like to get involved in the Nepali cook along they can contact Ian on: Tel: +447563217369 Or via the Bimiri Foundation Facebook page here: