Franchise Today

Franchise Development via Social Media



Here’s something you don’t want to miss, and something you shouldn’t miss! Last week, Paul Segreto, one of the co-hosts on Franchise Today Show, introduced to the franchise community, an extensive 11-page article, “Franchise Development via Social Media.” Today, Paul will discuss the article in detail, along with his thoughts and ideas about utilizing social media within a franchise organization for the purpose of: - Creating brand awareness with franchise candidates and consumers alike? - Generating qualified franchise leads and subsequent franchise sales? - Establishing an interactive environment of communications and information sharing at all levels of a franchise organization? Take advantage of this event and utilize the information to take a major step in building the foundation for a successful 2010 without wasting the first quarter on things your organization could be doing right now. Paul's co-host, Joel Libava, aka The Franchise King will be attending the Blogging Convention in Las Vegas, Nevad