Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

Dec Energy Forecast Theme 2: Recalibration – Refine and Adjust Your Focus + Tools | Ep 561



From Reflection to Radiance: Aligning with Light in Transformative Times In this second installment of the Dec Energy Forecast series, we explore the transformative theme of Recalibration—the art of refining and adjusting your inner compass so you’re aligned with what genuinely resonates. While the first theme centered on initiation and revision, this episode guides you through the process of tuning your personal “instrument” without discarding its richness. Rather than wiping the slate clean, we’re building upon the knowledge, wisdom and insights you’ve already gained, all to help you flow more harmoniously into the energies of the month and beyond. As we continue moving through December, the energetic currents ask us to embrace a profound recalibration. While the first theme emphasized initiation and revision, this one invites you to refine and adjust your focus based on what truly matters now. It’s about taking the insights, lessons, and experiences you’ve gathered and reorganizing them so that your inner