Sound Bhakti

Honor Your Vow to Chant & Show Appreciation to Your Best Friend | HG Vaiśeṣika Dāsa |12 Feb 2022



In the Bhagavad-gītā, Kṛṣṇa says in the 10th chapter that of all the sacrifices, Japa is the best. And we can consider why that is so. There are many different processes of devotional service that are easy to enter into. For instance, the Sunday feast, or any type of prasadam, anyone can do, or we can walk in and dance in kīrtana, even if we don't know much about Kṛṣṇa consciousness, lots of people do that, but to deliberately take time to use your own voice and your time to commune with God by saying his name over and over again is unique, and therefore it's the only vow that Prabhupāda asked us to do. There are other things he said, don't do. But this is the only one thing he said, you make a vow. The word devotee actually means one who makes a vow,voto. Voto comes from the word 'voto', or the word vow comes from voto, devoto. And the word vrata is the origin of that, that you make a vow. So vows make the world go round. In fact, as we can see, in some countries, there's a way in which people draw up a co