Sound Bhakti

You Have Full Permission To Surrender To Kṛṣṇa | SB 8.2.33 HG Vaiśeṣika Dāsa | ISV | 7 Dec 2024



Gaslighting is horrible. It means not taking responsibility for your actions and blaming others. It's usually done in a very subtle way, where the person being victimized doesn't realize it for a long time, until later when they realize, "Oh, I didn't do anything wrong; that person put everything on me." We can also slide into this adverse consciousness where we gaslight God. So don't do that, says the shastra. Just be honest. Admit that God is the supreme controller, admit that everything belongs to Him, and live a happy life. You won't be bereft of anything, just like I gave my garland away and got a new one. That happens. One might think that if they don't hold on to all their stuff, they're going to be a loser. But it turns out that those who think, "I'm going to just serve God the way He asks to be served: 'patraṁ puṣpaṁ phalaṁ toyaṁ,' offer things to me, don't consider them yours and covet them. Offer them to me, you will enjoy much more." Because there's a quality to one's life then: first of all, one