Award Travel 101

What It's Like To Marry A Points Nerd



"I can't count the number of times you've come into the room and you're like 'I just found...' or 'This is a once in a lifetime trip!' when you literally say that about everywhere...and just said that yesterday."For the miles and points obsessed, occasionally you'll find couples that are equally into maxing out their earnings and redemptions. More often than not however, there's typically one of the two that's more into it than the other. Less common is when that one who is obsessed decides to turn that obsession into a full time job via a Facebook group. Enter Richard & Emily Kerr. This episode is a one on one interview with Richard's "better half" where she answers some of the Award Travel 101 group's best questions about what it's like being married to a points nerd, how they met and her favorite trips they've taken using points and miles.Today's Episode Timestamps3:30 - How Richard & Emily met10:04 - Wha