The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Why You Gotta Be So Rude? - MTP438



Co-Host John O'Brien ( My first-time guest is executive coach, author, speaker and university instructor John O'Brien, whose book Rudeness Rehab caught my eye immediately. After all, there's no doubt that common civility has taken a dive in our culture over the past several decades, right? I mean, as men it's perfectly good to be a bit rough around the edges and be assertive when we need to, but's like people have lost all sense of being decent to each other nowadays. Along with that, even simple self-awareness and regard for others has gone out the window. What happened there? Surely, it's not all easily passed off as the fault of social media and COVID, right? And more importantly, how do we reclaim civility as men without looking like some sort of passive milquetoast pansy or something? Well, the first step, of course, is to clearly define what we're talking about here when we refer to 'incivility'. How does incivility wreak havoc at home, at work, in our soci