The Mentee Podcast

S5E40: Reframe Impostor Syndrome



Do you suffer from impostor syndrome? That’s great news! It means you are one step closer to becoming your desired future self! In this episode, I talk about embracing impostor syndrome and taking intentional actions toward your desired future self. I also talk about what’s next for The Mentee and what’s in store for you as we rebrand and rebirth Inner Circle into Mastermind Mentorship Community. Tune in if you want to know how to start the journey to becoming your future desired self. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:Reframe and embrace impostor syndrome. Be intentional in understanding the person you want to become.Find the right mentors to bring you to your desired future self. Decide to be your desired future self today. Episode Highlights:[03:52] Mentorship Mastermind CommunityThe Mentorship Mastermind Community, formerly Inner Circle, is a platform designed to bring mentors into your world through the podcast and membership-based community. It aims to