More Than A Few Words

#989 The Confirmation Process



Join this insights-packed episode as we welcome Janet Falk, a seasoned communication professional, and the chief strategist at Falk Communications and Research. She brings over 30 years of experience and discusses her innovative approach to understanding the buyer's journey, diverging from the traditional perspectives. Janet challenges the common belief that the buyer's journey is a passive process. She proposes an alternative idea she dubs "the confirmation process". Through this lens, the buyer undertakes a more active role, seeking to validate the identity, skills, and credibility of the professional or vendor they consider. The episode delves deep into this confirmation process and its three critical steps: Confirming the identity of the vendor, the adequacy of their skills and experience, and social proof from others. Janet further explores how professionals can facilitate these steps, increasing their chances of positively influencing the buyer's journey. Moreover, this episode emphasizes the crucial ro