More Than A Few Words

#857 A Great Bio Makes People Want to Get to Know You.



Many potential customers read your bio to figure out who you are, and what it is going to be like to work with  you.  Danielle Hughes believes you need to give them a sense of who you are as a person instead of a litany of tasks and accomplishments.  That task list  doesn't help them start the conversation with you or get to know you in any way. When somebody reads your bio and then meets you or they has a conversation with you. it should be the exact same person. They shouldn't feel that there's a disconnect. They shouldn't feel like the words on the page were stiffer than the person they're talking to or vice versa right. The trick is to present genuine self  so that somebody feels like they already know you or they want to know you or they want to ask you a question.   Danielle is one of the contributing authors in MORE THAN A FEW WRITTEN WORDS, a collection of essays by some of my favorite guests.  It is available on Amazon