Ponderings From The Perch

How Anthropology and Technology Can Perfect Buyer Personas



Understanding consumers beyond traditional market research metrics is important. Perfecting buyer personas requires a deeper dive, and technology can help.  On this episode of Ponderings from the Perch, the Little Bird Marketing podcast, host and CEO Priscilla McKinney talks with guest and Glimpse Chief Strategy Officer + Chief Client Officer, Adam Bai about the evolution of buyer personas in marketing and how anthropology can perfect them. Traditionally, personas were simplistic stereotypes or basic demographic profiles. However, modern approaches focus on persona mapping and deeper attitudinal and emotional insights that go beyond surface-level characteristics. Bai explains how Glimpse, a groundbreaking human response platform, helps companies develop a more nuanced understanding of their ideal customers. For example, in their work with HubSpot, they created a persona called "Growth Gabby.” Using a growth strategy framework and surveys that privileged unstructured, open-ended responses, this approach allo