

Today’s WWRadio is probably the one that has inspired me most since I recorded it back in February. I’ve already implemented many of the ideas we discussed here into my life and have already seen amazing results. This week I chatted with Jordan Bach who is an all around super cool guy I look up to a ton as a spiritual guru and leader. Jordan is a life coach, writer, and speaker and a champion for gays inspiring people all around the world. He’s been called “one of the LGBT architects of the next decade” by The Advocate and he runs the site an online home for gay men who want to make the most of their lives. I’m so excited to for you to hear our deep chat and his inspiration. His is so wise, authentic, and most of all massively down-to-earth. He’s doing amazing work to inspire what I aspire to inspire here in the Wellness Wonderland which is: radical deep authenticity. We get deep into this more in this episode, but what Jordan believes is that authenticity is about balance and going in and o