

Anita Goa New York City yoga and fitness instructor and author who has been featured everywhere from The Today Show to The View and countless other media outlets. She's also, the yoga guru I credit to rekindling my lost spark for yoga. I talk about how she did this and much more in today's amazing conversation. You'll love getting to know Anita as much as I did through this episode where she is so authentic and inspiring sharing her story of finding yoga, how to stay healthy in your 20s, and how to find your own flow on and off the mat. She's an inspiring lady with vast knowledge in the human body, fitness, and how we as humans are impacted by the moon cycles. She inspires a crew of thousands weekly on her successful YouTube channel where she shares unique yoga flows, fitness routines, and meditations often timely corresponding to the moon phases. So turn up the episode on this week's P-cast and prepare to be inspired both on and off the yoga mat.