

Today’s WWRadio guest, Tara Stiles, has been my idol since I started practicing yoga in a high school gym class. She inspired me to take my yoga practice off of the mat, taught me that yoga was for everyone, and inspired me to become a teacher. Through her yoga  videos, easy yet creative recipes, books, dvds, and support she has been like a yoga big sister and friend to me. A fellow Midwesterner, I connect with her so deeply and I know you will too. In today’s conversation we get into everything from her early ballet and modeling career, how she found yoga, how she started her own business, and advice for yogis and entrepreneurs. She explains how yoga can be effective for weight-loss as well as so many concepts on how to find the ease in your life. She so smart, knowledgeable, and down-to-earth. My favorite lines & nuggets of wisdom: YEP THEY’RE TWEETABLES…Just click right on ‘em! “Just bend your knees anyone can touch their toes.” “Yoga’s not about being flexible, it’s about making space for yours