

Today’s episode of WWRadio features our guest the holistic Dr. Joel Kahn. A Detroit native, Dr. Kahn is a nationally known speaker and author of the forthcoming book, The Holistic Heart Book. He is a leader in not only the local, but the national wellness community. His work includes transforming the food within the healthcare system, starting with hospitals to reflect foods that will actually aid patients in their healing rather than hinder it. He firmly believes in the concept of “prevent not stint” and practices preventative medicine with his practice and to all that he teaches. Dr. Kahn is an Interpreventional Cardiologist – meaning he treats his patients with a blend of traditional cardiology (AKA stents) as well as preventive cardiology (AKA diet and exercise and meditation.) It’s this rare blend that makes Dr. Kahn super cool. You’ll love this conversation where we cover everything from diet to exercise to gluten to his personal routines and advice for getting started on a healthy plant-based lifest