Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/19/24



On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the sky will not fall if there's a government shutdown. The government was shut down over 20 times since 1974 and the nation survived. A shutdown does draw a line on what they call "discretionary spending" -- the government itself calls it non-essential spending -- much of which, but not all, funds ideologically driven projects. The government never really shuts down; indeed, when there is a so-called government shutdown, about 17% of the government actually shuts down. The Republicans need to take a stand somewhere. At least it'll be a beginning. And they should explain to the people that the Democrats (and too many of their fellow Republicans) spend, borrow, and steal like pirates, which will bankrupt the country for their children and grandchildren, and further drive up inflation, including the cost of food, clothing, and energy, destroy the value of their paychecks and pension checks, eventually collapse the government altogether, and that this drug-like spending addiction m