Authentic Living




We get lost in the holes in the sidewalk of our psyches. These holes are like the traps made for wild animals in the wilderness, all covered up with brush and dirt, so that we think we are just continuing on the path. But suddenly and without our knowing how, we fall into the hole—we are lost again. We’ve fallen into that old complex, that old default position. We don’t know how we got there, we don’t know how to get out—heck, we don’t even know that we are in it. We’re just doing what we’ve always done. This complex drags us around by our emotions, intense emotions that seem compulsive in nature. They tell us what to do and we are just compelled to do them. And what they tell us to do turns out to be just all wrong. Now we’ve done it and we begin to awaken to the facts of the fall and we are asking, “how in the world did this happen?” Well, we are going to answer that question today. Don’t miss it.