Authentic Living

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid



Okay, so let’s talk about that F-bomb, FEAR. Many are telling us that fear is “negative.” They tell us that fear is the opposite of love and that it is impossible to have fear and love in the same moment. In fact, they are telling us that fear is something to be feared. We shouldn’t have it, they say, for fear brings “negative” things into our lives. Well, that certainly something to be afraid of, right? What vicious cycle of fear/no fear “they” put us in! Well, there’s good news. There is nothing to fear in fear. Yes, I know I just changed Franklin D. Roosevelt’s famous statement (There’s nothing to fear but fear itself), but it’s true…there is nothing to fear in fear! In fact, what this show will prove is that fear is an open door to the divine. Don’t miss it.