Authentic Living

Sexy, Sexy Power, Part II



From John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and Mark Sanford, to Anthony Weiner, we can clearly see that power is, indeed, as Henry Kissinger informed us, the ultimate aphrodisiac. And Frans de Waal’s book, Chimpanzee Politics tells us that it’s not much different in the Chimpanzee world. Not only are women attracted to powerful men in politics, but men are attracted to the power of politics and think that sex is just part of the package. Unfortunately, when we want to read about what women in power will do with sex, all we can find are articles that tell us about the power of a woman’s sexuality. But either way, power is the operative word. Last week we opened the door to a longer discussion on what happens when we give our power over to another and tell ourselves that they have all the power. We are going to explore that idea more this time, with more on the steamy power of power. What are you getting and giving from/to power? What is your greatest power? Don’t miss this one