Authentic Living

The Lie: Good vs. Evil



We have to have the dark to enjoy the light. This is what we say. But most of us don’t stop to ask why? Why do we need the dark to enjoy the light? Why do we need evil to prove good? Why do we need to suffer in order to know joy? Who said? These ideas are all products of a trance state in which we have all lived for centuries. They are products of the duality trance state. But if one of the benefits of evil is that it proves goodness, is it really evil? And if darkness proves the light, is it really darkness? Contrasts in a picture highlight the edges of objects—is that what we are looking for—something to highlight the ends of one thing and the beginning of another? Why do we need this? Today we are going to spend some time right in the middle of the conflicting contrasts that make up the weave and woof of our lives. Come find out what is true and false about the battle between good and evil.