Authentic Living

Where is my Bliss?



When we consider the possibility that we can inhabit heaven here on earth, the first thing we typically think of is bliss. When we think of a heaven which can only be inhabited after we die—we also think of bliss—the comfort and joy of meeting again with those loved ones we’ve lost. So, either way heaven must be bliss, right? So, if we can have heaven on earth, this means that we will have everything we want, right? There will be no unmet needs and all of our relationship, financial, parenting and other concerns must be blissful, right? Nah. There can’t be heaven on earth, because no one gets all of that. So, what can it possibly mean to have heaven on earth? On this show, another in our Countdown to Heaven, we are going to talk about bliss and how we can access and maintain it as we experience heaven on earth. And we are going to hear another clip from Oprah’s upcoming Super Soul Sunday. You don’t want to miss this one.