Authentic Living

My Friend Fear



Most of us have been taught that fear is a problem to be overcome. Especially in the some of the spiritual community, fear is basically the F-word. It is the enemy. It keeps us from having what we want. It makes us live from what’s called the “lower self” rather than the so-called “higher self.” But fear, like all of our other emotions, just has a message to deliver. And in some cases that message can literally save our lives. Beyond that it can also be a warning bell, a determiner of the next step, an informational email to allow us into our shadow material—and therefore a consciousness raiser. Fear is our friend, and the more we try to send it away, the less we are able to really live an authentic life. What we fear the most, however, is that when we become conscious of our fear, it will begin to dominate our behaviors. So, how do we deal with fear effectively? The answer to this question will bring us to the next phase of our spiritual development as a species. Don’t miss this.