Authentic Living

Inhabiting Heaven NOW



The concept of heaven has been distorted with so many of our fantasies about avoidance of struggle, suffering and pain. And since most of us can’t imagine a place on earth in which there is no struggle, suffering or pain, we’ve put heaven up there, out there, down there, anywhere, but here, on planet earth. What you are about to learn about heaven will change your thinking on this entirely. Heaven is not a place. It is not out there, up there, down there and it isn’t simply a place we go to after we die. It is right here, right now—but then it isn’t about avoidance of suffering either. Tune in this week— you’ll learn how to inhabit heaven NOW. AND you’ll hear our clip for this upcoming Super Soul Sunday, in which Oprah interviews one of the greatest American basketball coaches in history, NBA Championship coach Phil Jackson, as he discusses both his coaching philosophy and his own battle with cancer. Don’t miss it.