Authentic Living

Putting an end to shame



Our biggest problem isn’t fear. It is shame. Shame defines us deep down in the recesses of our sense of ourselves. It informs us of our identity. It makes our choices for us and interacts with others through us. It dictates what we repress and what we accept. In fact, it is shame that creates our fear. And the truth is that if we really knew who we truly are, shame would simply dissolve. But we live in a world in which to not feel shame is to not fit in. We live in a world in which our children shame each other into compliance with the social agenda. We live in a world in which shame at least a part of how we choose our careers, our mates, and our lives. It is, all too often, the ruler of our lives. So, this week, along with introducing Oprah’s next Super Soul Sunday with a clip of her interview with bestselling author and religious historian Karen Armstrong, we are going to discover how we free ourselves from shame. Don’t miss it.