Authentic Living

Radical Awakening



We don’t generally think of awakening as a process of accepting what is. But our guest today has been working in Great Britain to awaken a generation of spiritual inquirers to the experience of abiding presence and peace in our ever-shifting world through that very process. Jeff Foster answers questions like “How can we find an effortless ‘yes’ to this moment?” “How do we stop running from ‘the mess of life’—our predicaments, our frustrations, even our search for liberation—and start flowing with all of it?” With his book, The Deepest Acceptance, Jeff invites us to discover the ocean of who we are: an awareness that has already allowed every wave of emotion and experience to arrive. We all know that these things are beyond words, and yet, on our show today we will talk, and what we will talk about is how to stop trying to make acceptance and “nowness” happen and start falling in love with what, according to Jeff, has already been allowed.