Authentic Living

Fear—the F Word



According to much of the literature written by those who are a part of the human potential movement, fear is a big fat no, no. We are simply not supposed to have fear—because, as we’ve learned, fear is the opposite of love. You can’t have fear and love in the same place at the same time. But we speak double-speak when we say this and simultaneously say that the divine is one with all. If all is divine, as we say, than there must be a divine energy behind fear as well. And on this All Hallows Eve, this scary Halloween, we are going to discover how it is that fear can also participate in the divine. So, for those of you who are trying desperately to avoid fear at all costs, to repress it, to deny it, to outwit it; and for those of you who are fairly consistently and unwittingly obeying fear—this show is for you. Happy Halloween!