Authentic Living

Body AS Soul



Historically the body has been blamed for all of man’s errors, his so-called “sins,” and his weaknesses. It makes him sick and it eventually dies. It’s rather like a ball and chain we drag around with us. And the soul is a distant relative, living so far away in heaven that we can’t get to it until we die. And whether we still believe those things or not they are still rolling around in the unconscious as archetypal memory. So, here’s the $64,000 question: Why did we come here in a body if all it is is an encumbrance which we eventually dump in favor of heaven or the next incarnation? Is it the slave of the mind, pushed and cajoled and even whipped into shape? Is it like a devil, meant to tempt us with all manner of intemperance? What’s the point? Well today we are going to delve into these mysteries, with a little humor, and a lot of wisdom. If you are having trouble connecting the dots between body and soul, don’t miss this episode.