Authentic Living

The Day of Answers is Finally Here!



While there is still much of mystery left in our world, there are some answers we can get to several of life’s most vital questions. And some of the most urgent questions of today are being asked by those who are trying diligently to make the law of attraction work for them, but are unable to do so. These questions seem to hold the balance of life itself within them. Well today, some of the previous guests of this show, profound spiritual leaders, who have reviewed the book, “The Law Of Attraction: The Soul’s Answer To Why It Isn’t Working And How It Can,” are going to be asking specific questions about the law of attraction, about a revision in the law of attraction and about the nature of the divine and humanity. These are YOUR deepest questions. And today, you are going to get your answers. So, do NOT miss this show. It might just change your entire approach to the law of attraction, and, indeed, to life itself.