Authentic Living

How to: Getting into the Flow



So, here’s the question: How do you do it? As I talk to more and more people about the newer and truer version of the law of attraction, this is the question I get asked. That is, after all the questions like: “How can I get a million dollars in the next year,” and “How can I attract my soulmate?” Those questions are based on the old understanding of the law of attraction, which tells us that all we need to do to attract from the external world all that fulfills internally, is to think positive, do a vision board, and do the work of removing blocks from the unconscious—and then our dreams will come true. That old understanding has us further splitting ourselves in half. But the new understanding, the true understanding unites us with divine Self. So, now that we know that, how do we get into the flow. This show will answer that question. Don’t miss it.