Authentic Living

Approval: The Most Potent Elixir of All



Born in the South during the 1940s, an African-American girl with white skin, Pat Holland Conner was destined to live with secrets, shame and intolerance from her family as well as both the black and white communities. She grew up feeling unworthy and desperate to belong until, when she reached the bottom of the barrel of this terrible elixir, she courageously took a brand new path toward personal love and acceptance. Her book Doorways to Significance: Finding Peace, Power & Passion” tells that story. Pat is a writer, family therapist, substance abuse counselor and owner of Peaceful Path Consulting. She teaches self-esteem classes and has worked as a counselor, trainer and educator in the USA, Asia and the Middle East. Approval, it turns out, is one of the most highly sought after addictive drugs on the planet. If you are an approval addict, or know someone who is—tune into this show. You’ll be glad you did.