Authentic Living

Be Your SELF!



Mike Robbins is the author of “Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken: Transform Your Life with the Power of Authenticity” and our guest today as we explore what it really means to be yourself, because, trust me, it means much more than wearing blue jeans to work because you want to. A sought after speaker who has empowered and inspired tens of thousands through his speaking, workshops, coaching and writing, Mike is also the author of “Focus on the Good Stuff: The Power of Appreciation,” and is a contributing author to “Chicken Soup for the Single Parent’s Soul” and “Thirty Things to Do When You Turn Thirty.” Mike had a professional baseball career until his arm injuries ended it. But then he began to study various disciplines for personal and professional development and began to teach us how. He has offered training to some of America’s top organizations and has been featured on ABC News, the Oprah and Friends Radio Network and several national magazines.